My AI Journey: Ready for the Rabbit hole?

It's been a while...


I have begun more formally documenting my AI, ML and generative AI studies. It all started with Robinhood, bitcoin mining, pancake swap and a different thought process. I tend to take on technology as a hobby and learn to apply it to business as I see the tech play out in the real world. My journey began with looking at Robinhood and choosing stocks based on interest. My first few picks were Moderna, Nvidia and Royal Caribbean cruise lines. I like to choose volatile assets to add some excitement to pretty dry subjects. Of course, as things progressed, I picked up and dropped some AMC multiple times.


(Not me, I don't wear headbands)

From there I looked deeper into Nvidia’s massive rise due to other shifts in technology such as crypto mining. You can ask me about wins and losses on pancake swap, hyper, beefy, aave, pi, safemoon, etc. I ventured out into AI platforms for stock trading like Delphia and saw less monetary gains and more knowledge gains.


Where am I going with all of this? There has been a transformation in digital knowledge in the form of data sharing (whether you like it or not) that has led to data mining and massive advancements in artificial intelligence. Now we are looking at a shift from crypto mining rigs eating up available GPU to data mining rigs.

I priced out an Exxact deep learning workstation and it costs a lot of money. I configured one for a quote of $33,000. I figured it would save me money on Amazon EC2 P3 instances powered by NVIDIA V100 Tensor Core GPUs. “Solving these kinds of problems requires deep learning models that take a long time to train. With 640 Tensor Cores, Tesla V100 GPUs that power Amazon EC2 P3 instances break the 100 teraFLOPS (TFLOPS) barrier for deep learning performance.” – I never knew how many TFLOPs I would need and it’s not something I can really ask for as a birthday present. 

Why would I need all of this? Simple – children’s books. Stayed tuned. The next article comes quick.


Least common denominator and not advice: Nvidia will continue to explode. Every threat is an opportunity. Buy more FLOPS since you never knew you needed them. Stay tuned as I refine my months of notes into something that reads with some semblance of sanity.


*Disclaimer: Not written with AI, if it was there would be something really wrong with its trained data set.
